Liver Birds
Liver Building, Liverpool
Client CBRE Ltd
Scope grade I listed | 1908-10 | structural condition survey
abseil survey | repair strategy | metalwork repairs
Status Completed
Grade I listed ‘three graces’ icon Liverpool waterfront commercial building, representing the first skyscraper in the UK to incorporate a reinforced concrete frame designed by Lois Gustave Mouchel.
Assessment and review of the Liver Birds at the top of the Liver Building alongside specialist abseil surveyors. Developed and implemented sensitive repair strategy to these iconic mythical creatures.
RHS Bridgewater Chinese Pavilion
Client Royal Horticultural Society
Scope former site of Worsley New Hall | historic setting |
156 acres | unique garden features
Status Completed
RHS Bridgewater sits on the site of the former gardens of the Worsley New Hall.
Our involvement included designing the foundations for the new Chinese garden pavilion in the Chinese garden. The main structural components were designed, manufactured and transported from China with assembly occurring on-site.
St George's Hall Poppies
Client Event Design Co.
Scope grade I listed | 1841-56 | art installation |
remembrance day | structural impact of installation
Status Completed
As part of the national commemoration the poppy installation that was initially at the Tower of London toured the country. As part of Liverpool’s celebrations a section of the installation was erected at St George’s Hall a grade I listed building. The support structure and the structural impact of the installation was structurally assessed on behalf of the City.